All is well

Prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment

I was diagnosed about 2 years ago, Gleason 9, Stage IVA. Had the surgery, 33 radiation treatments and one year of Lupron. There are a few things i miss, including the level of intimacy with my wife of 50 years (adjustments do allow for continued intimacy, however), loss of energy, high blood sugar levels, etc. You know what? I'm the luckiest guy in the world, as I'm doing well enough to write this story, running 30 plus miles a week (age 73), doing tons of volunteer work and realizing that time spent with family is terribly precious.

hopes for the future after cancer

I don't know what the future holds, and I wish the side effects of ADT would just go away (they really don't tell you that they can last a long time), but no sense dwelling on it. Life is good, guys, enjoy every day to the fullest and help those who are much worse than you. Prostate cancer takes a lot from you, but it gives something even more valuable...the ability to focus on what is most important to you. Enjoy this great forum!

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