Focal Laser Ablation Option

Common prostate cancer treatment

The issue I see is that many of these message boards only deal with a few procedures lie surgery or radiation. Last time I looked, there were over 30 ways to combat PCa. hen I was diagnosed in 2014, I felt the same way most of the folks on this page felt--lost and confused. My Urologist suggested surgery because that's what he does. I found several Radiologists and, of course, they wanted to do radiation therapy because that's what they do.

Focal Laser Ablation

The best approach I found was something I learned at a support group meeting. One of the members had Focal Laser Ablation (FLA) done. After months of research, this was the only procedure I felt was right for me. The procedure involves inserting a laser into the tumor, heating it up and watching it being destroyed in real time on an MRI. The procedure too a couple of hours and I walked out, went to the mall, went out to dinner, and went on a cruise the next day. OK, that was a bit cavalier but the side effects are pretty much nothing. The only real downside at the time was I had to pay for it. $30K. Fortunately I was lucky I could afford it.

Second Laser Ablation

I had a second tumor at the time that was a Gleason 3+3=6 and we watched it for almost 8 years before it decided to become a Gleason 4+3=7. I had a second ablation that was covered by Medicare. I'm not sure how, but it was. This time I was not so cavalier. Sure, FLA is not a whole gland procedure. But it was, for me, the best way forward. If another tumor erupts, I'd do it again and again if needed.

Explore treatment options

My advice is if you do not have PCa that requires immediate action, take your time and explore options. There is no immediate threat for most of us. I tried to get my Urologist to review FLA information and he never responded to me. So I fired him and had the FLA done. It was a piece of cake.

I wouldn't wish PCa on anyone. But the good thing is there are many options. Talk to anyone who has had any procedure. I was fortunate that my sister knew a lot of members of the Georgia Prostate Cancer Alliance. I spoke to may of them, heard what they chose and then they let me talk it out. That was a real help. Just like this site, you can lay out your case and get feedback without judgement.

I thank all involved for their inputs. They are all very valuable.

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