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Prostate cancer diagnosis

My name is Larry. I'm a newbie here. I have COPD and have been a member over at for several years now.
I just went through the screening and got my results yesterday. It's official - I have prostate cancer. I went in a couple months ago to the Urologist for urinary tract issues, of which it turned out I had several. Those are all pretty much corrected now, but during the process my bloodwork showed a PSA of 119. The Biopsy results came in yesterday. Of 12 samples, the left side ones were all 60% to 10% positive. I'm not yet familiar with all this, so bear with me. Apparently, that's not a good sign. Like I needed that.

Comorbidity with prostate cancer

This just adds another to a long list of other issues, including severe COPD, shrunken esophagus due to old spinal injuries, cataracts, and on and on. I am 73, and a retired truck driver. Long divorced, with two grown sons and 3 grandkids, and soon a great grandchild, I hope. I live in Austin, Texas. Once again it seems I have a lot of catching up to do here, so I will get busy now and see what I can learn.

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