Long journey

Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

Diagnosed end of 2016 with Gleason 9 prostate cancer. Age 67 otherwise healthy male with extremely active physical exercise regimen (daily racquetball play) and weight and all vitals within normal limits). Radical robotic prostectomy early 2017. Told all was well and nerve endings preserved and all cancer thought to be found and gone. Several months later at first checkup, PSA of 4 and urologist gave me the long talk about adt and see an oncologist. Recommended the best oncologist from Georgetown Lombardi cancer center. Shot me up with Lupron before leaving his office. Urologist turned my case over to this new Doctor D. Doc D had me scanned and found Mets in hips, spine, and possibly lungs. Straight to six rounds of chemotherapy and continued adt with Eligard.

After about two years of negligible PSA, jumped to .5, Doctor D put me on Xtandi daily 120mg which is normal dose.

Note: all of above treatment is right out of the normal standard of care manual for advanced metastatic pc.

Sex after prostate cancer

Before pc, sexual activity on decline in lifelong loving marriage. Currently, on year 51 and still very loving and caring with two children and four grandchildren. Sexual intercourse ceased upon rp surgery in 2017 and not resumed. ED meds not effective and unwilling to try shots or mesh implants up to date. Exercise has continued regularly throughout the whole period and currently still playing racquetball less often but added daily pickleball up to three hours.

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