My Story - Two different outcomes

Prostate cancer diagnosis

My story starts in 2013. I was being monitored for high cholesterol by my GP. In 2012, I had my gallbladder removed because of stones. However, 6 months after having my gallbladder removed, I took a blood test to monitor my cholesterol. Two days later, I received a call from my GP that he wanted to see me.

I went to the appointment and was informed that my PSA had risen to 2.2 which was higher than my PSA level six months ago. He referred me to a specialist who did a biopsy confirming prostate cancer. My wife and I were given options, and I took the least invasive one - robotic surgery.

My wife then informed me that her best friend's husband was in his 50's, also had high cholesterol, and was diagnosed with prostate cancer too.

Two different outcomes

We both saw the same doctor and had the same robotic surgery with two different outcomes. Unfortunately, his cancer had escaped into the bone and mine was contained. He passed away last year. If it hadn't been for my wife to nag me to get my cholesterol test, I would not be alive to write this experience. Fortunately, my cancer has not returned after my 4 months of salvage radiotherapy which was 10 years ago.

I for some funny reason was lucky, my wife's husband was not. He was younger than me, we saw the same doctor, had the same surgery the same year, and his cancer was not caught in time. In both cases, our cancer was discovered accidentally... due to a cholesterol blood test. Please take care of yourself. Get monitored for your PSA every year especially if you have high cholesterol. Be proactive and take control of your health.

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