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What gives you hope when you feel like giving up?

Share strategies that are useful when you feel hopeless about dealing with prostate cancer or its side effects.

  1. Never give up. Put one foot in front of the other. Many of us stay strong is to have faith that there will be a better day. The sun will always rise.I know it feels like you’re down on some days and worthless and feel like nothing, but you have to keep the faith and hold onto hope. Hope will get you far and help you moved forward in life.

    1. As long as I stay present and do what's in front of me in terms of treatment or therapy, I never feel like giving up. The only time my spirits wane is if I start "future tripping," trying to project where I'll be down the road. I've seen enough progress in my recovery that I can be confident about the future.

      1. I always tried to stay posative and just accept the challenges of treatment and recovery as just that, challenges. Finding coping strategies for the side effect so I could do what I wanted to do without feeling restricted and trying to turn any negatives into positives. Always have a plan b as we know everyone’s journey is slightly different I would look at all options and try every option available until such time I had found what worked best for me. Simple things like a grab bag with everything I needed if I had a leak gave me the confidence to get out and about. Chris moderator

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