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Todd Seals

”ProstateTodd was previoulsy an advocate on

I am an 12+ year, stage IV, prostate cancer warrior. Diagnosed June of 2006 stage IV with widespread metastasis and initial PSA of over 3200.

I am married to my best friend and live in the rural community of Silverlake WA, a mere stones throw west of Mount Saint Helens. I have 2 sons, 2 daughters, and 7 granddaughters.

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Cancer does not slow me down. I continue to work full time at a physically demanding job. Weekends, vacations, and down time are spent in the great outdoors, skiing, waterskiing, wake boarding, snowmobiling, kayaking, mountain biking, hiking, camping, hunting and fishing.

Life is about quality not quantity. We all die yet many never live. I speak from experience. Cancer may take my life but it has taught me to live. It put everything into perspective and gave me a second chance. I write about living with cancer focusing not on disease but on life. Cancer will always be a part of the story but never the focus.

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