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Blood in semen

I have had episodes of blood in semen. No other symptoms. My last 3 psa readings were .108, .102 and .068. Could this be prostate cancer

  1. You should be asking a doctor that question. Having said that, have you had a biopsy, Spacer or markers inserted in the last few weeks or so? When I had my biopsy, spacer and markers inserted, I had blood in my urine and semen for a few weeks, which the doctor said was normal...

    1. When unexplained signs/symptoms like that show up I find it is always best to seek out immediate medical advice. I would be looking for a urologist vs a general practitioner. Please let us know your plans and of course the findings. 👍Dennis( TEAM)

      1. Hi . On top of the excellent information about seeing a specialist, I want to share with you this article from our editorial team which addresses the issue of blood in the semen or urine: It notes that this can be a potential sign of prostate cancer, but also discusses other possible causes, as well as potential treatments. Hope this information is helpful and please feel free to keep us posted on how you are doing. Best, Richard ( Team)

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