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"Cancer Survivor"

I'd like to get the wisdom of the group about your feelings about using the expression "Cancer Survivor". I have no issue with those who choose to use the term, but I don't consider myself to be a survivor when I compare myself to others how have survived other more horrific forms of cancer. My Prostate cancer was diagnosed relatively early, was contained within the Prostate and I just logged in 2 years post surgery with a PSA of<.01. While my experience was certainly no walk in the park, I don't want to claim some sort of Stolen Valor from those who have had much worse of an experience than I. What are your feelings and how do you refer to yourself?

Jim Mahoney
Allentown, PA

  1. Yes, i don’t use that word yet. And reading the forums, i see guys coming back in after 3-5 yrs with the rising psa. Its terrible to read.
    Maybe after 10 years?
    If recurrence vs time was graphed, you would think it would be non linear decreasing with time?

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