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Stage IV prostate cancer which has metastasized throughout bones. Based on latest pet scan oncologist has told me that the immunotherapy treatment (keytruda) is no longer working and is now recommending Docetaxel.

Looking for those who have had Docetaxel to share their experience, both good and bad.

  1. Hi . I can't personally comment on docetaxel, but I want to share with you this research article on the evidence behind it: Would I be correct that the docetaxel is being combined with androgen deprivation therapy?
    Also, I want to ask if anyone has mentioned "Triplet therapy" to you? As noted in this article "At least two studies have shown that combining ADT with six cycles of docetaxel and either darolutamide or abiraterone ("triplet therapy"😉 improves outcomes over ADT plus docetaxel for people whose cancer has already spread outside of the prostate (typically to the bones or other organs). This has become a preferred approach over ADT plus docetaxel alone in males who are candidates for docetaxel chemotherapy and who have "high volume/high risk" disease. Whether a person is considered high volume/high risk depends on several things, including where the cancer has spread, how many metastases there are, and how aggressive (fast growing) the cancer is:"
    Hope this information is helpful and that others chime in with their experiences. Wishing you the best and please feel free to keep us posted on how you are doing. Richard ( Team)

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