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Ejaculation After Surgery

I’m just curious about this notwithstanding the sensitivity surrounding sexual intercourse! The big elephant in the room, battling ED and the hope that the nerves will be fully restored!

I’ve experienced the full sensation of ejaculation - sometimes light sticky but most times actual spurts of urine! For me, it’s embarrassing to some degree and my wife wonders about the health aspects.

What has been your experience?

  1. I also had the robotic surgery at age 63. As i was told; the ejaculate did indeed stop completely - no discharge at all. However the orgasmic sensation is unchanged.

    As for ED everyone is different. For me I was needing the pills prior to surgery. However; that was no longer enough after surgery. I have since been successful with Trimix injections. In fact the injections turned the clock back to my 30's

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