Hi . Do you mind if I ask if your sure it is Gamma knife that the doctor is proposing, as opposed to Cyberknife? I ask because, while they are both forms of radiation that can be delivered very precisely and thus, in higher doses, allowing for fewer treatments, there are definitive differences. As noted in this article which describes the differences, both are used for brain surgery, but Cyberknife is the one used for stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) throughout the body: https://www.summitcancercenters.com/cyberknife-vs-gamma-knife/.
I can also tell you that my father-in-law had a combination of Cyberknife and traditional radiation (a combination was used because he had a higher Gleason, higher risk cancer). He also had androgen deprivation therapy. It has now been a few years since his treatment and there are no signs of the cancer and he had very few side effects. Wishing you and your husband the best and please feel free to keep us posted on how he is doing. Richard (ProstateCancer.net Team)