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If MP-MRI shows cancer why biopsy ?

Is it necessary to do a biopsy if the mri shows cancer. Asking for my dad who is 83. Why can’t treatment be started as soon as mri report is there

  1. Hi I found this article that I think is pretty helpful: I would definitely recommend you or your dad ask the doctor this question, if you haven't done so already. And, as we recommend to all our members, seek out another opinion(s), especially if you don't think you are getting all your concerns addressed. Jill, team

    1. While it is always best to consult with your MD the purpose of a biopsy is to obtain physical samples so a trained pathologist can determine the grade of a cancer. The test revealed I had a Gleason 9 The scan suggested it was contained. That knowledge allowed my urologist to offer me 2 treatment options surgery or external beam radiation. Had the cancer escaped the prostate he said surgery would not have been an option. There are a lot of moving parts to this process from diagnosis to treatment and beyond. Prostate Cancer is slow-growing; you do not have to make a rushed decision and could get a second opinion or ask additional questions of the present provider. Do keep us posted.Dennis ( Team)

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