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Panic and Prostate Cancer

Panic is natural when going through a prostate cancer journey. From diagnosis to treatment, there's always something on the mind.

What has made you panic?

How do you soothe the panic you have experienced?

This is your space to share.

  1. Move aggressively towards my concerns

    1. "Panic sets in" because clinicians (I am one) tell a patient that he has cancer and then drone on and on and on without checking to see if the patient is listening. The clinician sincerely thinks s/he is "educating" the patient; they aren't.

      1. I’ve been in remission a little over a year. Now I have suspicious nodes under arm and on neck. Some degree of panic is my new normal. My PSA is currently okay. But with immune issues and other areas of concern I make the best of each day,

        1. Panic when ones life is in peril is normal.
          Some will imply that there is something wrong with a patient that has a panic response.
          The trick is to USE that energy.
          The trouble with panic or fear is that it sometimes can hinder you from thinking straight.
          So just try to not be frightened so you can think clearly.

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