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Penile Pump

At my recent follow up visit (still<0.1), the Physicians Assistant recommended that I get a penis pump to help with ED. An internet search turned up all sorts of kinky websites along with some legitimate ones buried in the pile. Can anyone recommend a product they are using from a legitimate company that is medically safe and effective. Thank you

  1. Hi . I can't personally speak to any particular device, but I can tell you that it may be helpful to look at medical supply/device stores. In fact. I just did a search on "prostate cancer penile pump for ED" and ads for devices from medical supply stores came up. I can't speak to any of these, but it may be a good place to start. Hopefully others will chime in with their experiences. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. My doctor recommended Timm medical. I ordered from there. I ordered the automatic, but will say it's a little loud during the vacuuming.

  2. Thanks Richard I'll check it out

    1. @jimmahoney The local hospital here runs a pre-op seminar for men about to undergo surgery. One of the questions that comes up concerns the pump. In some cases your medical coverage will cover it if the MD prescribes it -If so the MD or hospital most likely has a provider. These devices when covered can run into the hundreds . One of nurses casually pointed out they all work on the same principle . A trip on the internet or to local adult store may offer a less expensive option. For some men it is a bit uncomfortable to go in and ask or order on line . You may want to check out Medical Grade Penis Pumps on line. Dennis( TEAM)

      1. Thanks Dennis

    2. I would recommend signing up for video series, it helped me.

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