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Salvage Radiation 2 1/2 yrs after RP

Has anyone had salvage rad. 2yrs or more after RP, if so do you regret it, would yould do it again, what are the side effects you are having. How long are the side effects sopposed to last.

  1. I had salvage radiation 2 yrs after RP. At that time I also started ADT (Lupron) for 18 mths. The side effects have been many. Nothing debilitating but many bothersome. I just ended the ADT and I'm hopeful the side effects will dissipate and I can get my body back to normal. It's not fun but it does give you another chance at being cured and because of that it was a no brainer decision. I'm not sure if the cancer comes back in the future whether I'd choose to go back on ADT. I'll cross that bridge if and when I have to........

    1. Dave ,Any Bowel problems from the radiation. My biggest concern is the radition doing damage to the rectum , causing me to later lose control of my bowell, there by causing me not to be able to leave the house, for any amount of time, or do things like cutting grass on the rider, god bless and thank you grover

      1. @Grover I had RP on March of '21 when I was 64. 26 months later my ultra-PSA bounced up for .02 to .05. An additional ultra PSA also came back at .05 confirming that I was having BCR (bio-chemical-recurrence). In June of this year; I started 6 months of oral ADT Orgovyx, and 39 radiation treatments. I finished my radiation in October and had my final Orgovyx pill in mid December. As for the Orgoyx ADT, the only significant side effect was afternoon fatigue and brain fog. (and of course a diminished Libido). I was lucky as I had very few hot flashes. As for the radiation; also very few side-effects. Fatigue seemed to increase a bit. and a few bouts of loose bowel near the end. Two months later bowel and urinary functions are back to completely normal.

        1. It was only one year out for me (in 2022) but there were no side effects. The science seems to be improving rapidly. I had the option of ADT but chose not to. 2 years out and all is good.

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