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I just completed 43 radiation treatments for my prostate cancer. I was given an injection of Lupron before the radiation treatments began and will receive 3 more, one every 6 months.

Additionally Dr. Is suggesting two years of abiraterone acetate accompanied with prednisone, but says it is optional. I am leaning towards not taking these and wondered if anyone here has had similar advice.

  1. I just finished proton therapy and have been on Lupron for 6 months and about abiraterone for about 4 months. The prednisone combats the side effects of the abiraterone. If you look the two up you can see the way they work differently. Lupron works on the prostate but the AB works more on tumors that are metastatic. I am assuming that is your case. There has been some new research that suggests the zytiga combined with the AB may work better.

    After proton radiation I need to wait six weeks before any testing will show anything. It may just be a baseline and then more blood work later?

    Regardless, I am in my 60’s and was pretty active before all the drugs and radiation. I am stage 4A, metastatic, high risk. However, I plan to see the Drs again next month and ask about dropping all the meds with monitoring until I get in my 70’s. Because right now I am a mess: no Labido, hot flashes, loss of muscle and strength, fatigue, dizziness, etc. It may be selfish but I don’t want to live like this right now.

    We each have our own situations and one thing I learned is each person with prostate cancer has a different way to treat it. There is no blanket treatment.

    I went to MD Anderson where at least they are cutting edge. You need to be sure you are dealing with an oncologist and oncologist radiologist. Not. I don’t even see the urologist any more.

    Hope you can get something out of this. My mind still wanders from all the side effects. Lol

    1. Good morning LCBB - Just met with my Medical Oncologist on Friday and they are starting me on abiraterone 250 mg - to be take 4 times a day along with prednisone as well as quarterly lupron injections. My radiation therapy will not start until late November and I am scheduled for 5 1/2 weeks of therapy. My initial diagnosis was Stage 4 with a Gleason score of 9. I am working with doctors at Northwestern. Cancer has spread to 3 lymph nodes - one is 0.6 cm and the other two are 0.3 cm. All three doctors (Urologist, Radiologist and Medical Oncologist) feel that they can cure me based on my diagnosis - so I am opting for an aggressive form of therapy. I guess your doctor stating it is optional is based on how advanced the cancer is - I can tell you I was shocked to see the cost of the abiraterone and am waiting to see what my insurance (BCBS) is going to pay, but on Good RX the list price was over $9,000.00 with a Good RX price of just under $300.00. Good luck on your journey.

      1. Thanks for the information, my Doctor sent the prescription to Mark Cuban's pharmacy and I placed the order, got the Abiraterone and Prednisone for a total of $150.00 - I don't understand how their can be so much variation in medications from pharmacy to pharmacy. How long have you been taking Abiraterone? What, if any, side effects have you had? Best of luck to you.

      2. I took it for a week but had to stop due to it raising my blood pressure too high. I have that under control as of now so I will start back half the dose of 500mg instead of 1000mg. I had a lupron injection that I believe may be causing most of the side affects. Night sweats, hot flashes and headaches. Hope and pray all goes well for you. If I can be of any help please reach out.

    2. Hello Big Red 57, Thank you for your reply. I hope the best for you.

      1. Same to you my friend............stay positive, stay strong!

    3. By the way. I was told that Mark Cuban’s company, Cost Plus Drugs, and Costco Pharmacy were more reasonable options for the abiraterone acetate if insurance doesn’t help enough.

      1. Thanks - just registered and will let my Oncologist know - looks like I can get the prescription for less than $140.00 - seems criminal that BCBS wants me to pay $2,212.00

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