I'm so afraid of leaving my daughters

I just turned 59 in Jan of this year.

Diagnosis and prognosis

December 1 of last year's routine PSA came back at 63. I'm like what!!!??? Biopsy showed 4/12 samples positive. Gleason 8 (4+4) Negative CT Urogram and bone scan. Had Robotic RP Jan 4. The path showed stage 3a. Not in seminal vesicles but margins not clear and extracapsular involvement identified. PSA 7 weeks post-op 23. They are setting me up for PSMA and GU Oncologist.

Anxiety about the future

I fear I'm in for a tough next year or so. I'm so afraid that I'll just die in a year or two. I have two 13-year-old daughters that I want to see grow up and I have a career that is meaningful that I want to accomplish some things instill. I can hardly sleep.

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