How Often I Do PSA Tests
I had regular annual PSA tests since age 50, because my father has PC diagnosed in his early 80's. For two decades, my PSA level was under 4, but very slowly rising. At age 75, my PSA was 6.1 in June, retested in December 2022 at 6.5. Had MRI. Biopsy performed, 5 of 13 sample were cancerous, gleason 3+3=6, with less than 30% involvement in samples, except one which was 3+4=7. Asked for second opinion at Memorial Sloan Kettering, they opined 4+3=7, intermediate risk. Had PET/CT and staged at 2c. Had genetic testing to further analyze risk, determined to be slow growing and low risk.
Still doing testing
Urologist and radiation oncologist and I discussed, given still sexually active and test result, pursued active surveillance, with PSA testing every 3 months. PSA tests in 2024, ranged from 9.9 to 11.1, with last test Jan 2025 at 9.9. Still doing PSA every 3 months. Dealing with some ED.
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