Back to your normal routine in 7-10 days

Told to do Kegels

That’s what they told me. As the Sarge would say that’s Bullpussy! Nothing will be the same, trust me. Just do Kegels and your recovery will be easy. Sarge, oh you say the same. Nobody mentioned wearing diapers for months and the pads and then the little leaks that would dribble out no matter how many times you had squeezed those Kegels. Normal. Seemed abnormal to me.

Find a good physical therapist

If you are having the surgery strengthen your pelvic floor, learn how to breathe, and go to a physical therapist who can help you discover wtf a pelvic floor is and how knowing about it and doing those exercises will get you back somewhat in tune with life. Much more so than squeezing your ass as you drive from here to Florida doing Kegels all the way. Good Luck. Remember and be prepared!

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