Both Of Us Diagnosed With Cancer

Initial prostate cancer diagnosis

My initial PSA was 13.67. I wanted surgery to remove my prostate. I was told by the urologist that they did not do surgery on a 71-year-old. Biopsy results were 4+3=7 & 4+4=8. I went to the Cancer Treatment Center of America - Atlanta. They did not care about my age, just my physical condition.

Partner diagnosed with cancer

While we were there for my 3-day evaluation, my wife started having symptoms. The biopsy indicated that she had uterine cancer. I had my prostate removed on January 13 & she had a total hysterectomy on January 18. We spent 3 weeks in a hotel room before being cleared to return to Virginia.

My PSA just after the surgery was .377. Three months later my PSA was .687. PET PSMA scan indicates that the remaining cancer is located where my prostate was before surgery. At my wife's follow-up, she was told that she was good & to forget about cancer & get on with her life but come back for 3-month check-ups for 2 years.

A cancer journey with a spouse

We go back to CTCA in July & I start 33 external beam radiation treatments. I feel very good about this. Yes, I am concerned but not worried. As a good friend says "God has it!". What did my wife & I learn from both of us having major surgery 6 days apart? Swallow your pride & accept the help of family & friends. Rely on your faith! You can not do it alone!

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