Just Found out Prostate Cancer
Rising PSA
I have a friend who group chatted a few of us who have stayed in contact since our military days, that he was recently diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer and told us to get a PSA blood test. Since we are roughly the same age (61) I thought it was a wise suggestion and went in and my PSA level was 4.5. Went in 3 months later it was 5.8 and was suggested to to get an MRI.
Prostate cancer diagnosis
The MRI came back Pi-rads 4 with 4 tumors and that lead to another appointment and this time it will be a biopsy. Had the biopsy 2 weeks ago and last week was told 2 tumors are benign and the left apex tumor receive a gleason score of 3+4 and the right apex tumor received 3+4 with (PNI) with possibly going into my nerves.
Looking for treatment options
I have a PET Scan scheduled for next week and have started the process of reading up on treatments and options. Still trying to wrap my head around all of this information and what expectations will be. My wife wants to know if PC is a reoccurring cancer? I actually had skin cancer this time last year in the middle of my back which is unusual since I always have a shirt on so I can since the fear and frustration in her question. After the scan this Friday I should meet with my doctor and team to figure some things out but in the meantime I am very anxious and nervous, I am assuming this is normal behavior. Thanks for letting me vent!
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