Diagnosed with prostate cancer
In 2015 I had a CAT scan that showed I had prostate cancer. At the time my PSA was 2.7. So i opted for radiation treatment. As time went by my doctor sort of paid no attention to my PSA. It stayed at 1.7 or 1.9 and never went to 0.
17 years later
So know 17 years later i am have difficulty urinating and ED. So go to a new urologist. They have to do a TURP which made me urinate and get off of Tamuloson. But now I have an AXIUM PET SCAN A mrI SCAN AND IT SHOW THE CANCER IS BACK....OR SHOULD I SAY IT NEVER WENT AWAY BECAUSE THEY DID NOT GIVE ME ENOUGH RADIATION TO KILL IT ALL IN 2015. So now I have two biopsys, a pet scan, and a mri. So I go to Sloan Kittering and they do not know what is going on.
Is there metastesization?
One says cancer is moving to the seminal vessiles one says no.One show a spot with alot of cancer one says no. Gleason score of 6 PSA 1.9. Now i am going back to do an other PET scan this time the PSMA. So weird that this is what is happening and the Doctor at Sloan is perplexted. Nothing seems to be out of the Prostate but still worried about all of this. Also, I am going to ask them to send it out for genomic test. Anybody ever hear of this.
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