Never Expected Cancer
My GP started DRE's and PSA's when I turned 50. It was March 2017, 67 years old and in for my yearly physical. My PSA was 4.18 up from 3.1 the previous year. After a DRE, my Dr. said he felt nothing and my prostate was slightly enlarged as in previous years. He ordered another PSA to be done a month later. His staff called and said it was 3.3 and not to worry. I still wanted to talk to my Dr. After some discussion, he ordered a Trans Rectal Ultra Sound. The day after the test he called and said they found a small lesion and asked what urologist I wanted to see. I told him and he sent my records to him.
Testing for spread
I went to the urologist and he said the tumor was 5mm in diameter. After staring at his computer for a few minutes he said he wanted a contrast, no-contrast MRI. Returning to the urologist he stated the MRI showed tumor was 3cm not 5mm. He ordered a pelvic CT scan with contrast and a bone scan. Both found no cancer outside the prostate. Next was the biopsy. 5 out of 13 sticks had cancer which was 4+4, a Gleason 8.
Choosing treatment
There was no promises of nerve sparing surgery because of the aggressive type of cancer. I had my DaVinci prostatectomy on Sept. 19, 2017 when I was 68. The pathology test showed that the tumor was beginning to grow outside the prostate, but was only contained pre-cancerous cells. He also removed 3 lymph nodes, some fat, and other bits of tissue from around the area which were cancer free.
My only complaint: ED
I have had 6 PSA tests that were less than 0.01 inconclusive. I feel very fortunate. My bladder is under control, though I still have a sex drive, there is nothing happening. That is my only complaint.
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