No continence after 7 years

Treatment for prostate cancer

I had surgery in 2015 and then radiation in 2016 but still had cancer so I went on ADT treatments in 2017. I had some control in 2018, being able to stop and start the stream, so my urologist recommended a sling which was installed in late 2018. If anything it made matters worse. I lost the ability to stop the stream completely.

Momentary continence

Without going into details, I briefly went on HRT in late 2019. I became immediately continent. 18 months later I went off HRT when my PSA nudged above zero, I began to lose continence, and now, back on ADT for 8 months I can’t even stop the stream.

Managing incontinence

I wear incontinence clamps and wear pads. Needless to say, this has all been unsettling, with the only proposed urological solution now being an artificial sphincter ( more surgery and $$$). I feel like the whole process has failed me.

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