Robotic Surgery
I am 70 in very good health I visited a urologist 2 times per year. Last summer I had a biopsy and he told me my PSA is 3.2. Gleason 3+4 =7 and cT2a.
Prostate removal
3 months after I had an operation with the Di Vinci robot, since that time, I am incontinent and I can't make kegal exercise because it hurt. The surgeon told me he used a hard thread to sew the urethra. He was supposed he use a melting wire but he didn't, his assistant put a regular thread, so it hurt me a lot
My current state
He said he tried to remove it in a natural way. So he has to remove that thread he let me wait I had my operation 4 months ago. I am so depressed to stay incontinent. I really feel not confident. He doesn't apologize and let me wait and wait. I regret choosing the surgery I think the radiation is better. I feel very anxious all the time. Sorry for
my poor English, it is easier for me in french.
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