Prostate Diagnosis

Physically I feel fine. Mentally I feel anxious and fearful. I know I should be thankful for the diagnosis being no worse than it was but still I do not. The thought of something growing inside of me is stressful.

Rising PSA

I went for a yearly physical and the blood work showed a PSA of 7.5. Last year it was 3.0. My doctor referred me to a urologist. The urologist said the prostate was enlarged but he said he could not feel anything abnormal. The blood test showed PSA of 9.57. I was scheduled for a biopsy.

Now for the bad news

What a nightmare. Every test seems to be getting worse. Biopsy showed right side of prostate ok no cancer. Yeah. Now for the bad news. Left side 6 samples have cancer 60% involvement. Gleason showing 4+3. I am thinking they mixed up my samples with someone else's. I don’t feel sick how could this be happening. I am 65 and thinking how could my warranty run out two or three after my birthday.

Practice what you preach?

I have told others with a diagnosis that for a male, if you have to have cancer, slow growing and people don’t usually die from it. I am so much better at preaching than at practicing. Anyway I am scheduled for surgery January 18, 2018 and I am not looking forward to being cut on.

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