Hi, Had Biopsy last week. Peed immediately....but then developed AUR (Acute Urinary Retention). So, Off to Emergency 10 hours later for a catheter. 3 days later, cath removed....peed great for another 10 hours; BUT then again AUR slowly developed and back to Emergency for another catheter. (I guess that the Prostate slowly swells each time, cutting off the urethra? Not sure....)
I am T2 w/ 2 small "lesions". PSA went 4/6/7 over 2 years. Waiting for Biopsy results now.... Dr. says, 70% chance that there is cancer..... BUT I need to get peeing again first...... I probably need a TURP or HoLEP procedure first to clear up the BPH.....[HoLEP does look amazing.....]. If anyone has experienced delayed AUR, let me know. Internet search is pretty skinny on it taking this long (1 week now) to get peeing again. Thanks!