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Antineoplaston therapy for advanced prostate cancer - effective or not?

Hello fellow prostate cancer friends: I read (and watched on YT) a lot of both good and bad opinions regarding Antineoplaston therapy for advanced prostate cancer, performed by Dr. Burzynski's clinic in Houston TX. A lot of cancer patient testimonials speak very highly of this treatment, however, there is also a very high level of skepticism, coming mostly I would imagine from big pharma and FDA sources. As this treatment is apparently expensive and not refunded by insurance, it would be a major commitment by most prostate cancer patients. Any feedback / advice on this topic would be very appreciated, thank you.

  1. Hi . I don't personally have any experience with antineoplaston therapy. The one thing I have found is that it seems that the only trials for the treatment are occurring through the Burzynski Research Institute. At this point, trial results seem to be pending and thus can't be replicated by outside sources. Without actual trial results there isn't much to say about the efficacy of the treatment. While the medical community may be skeptical, I'll withhold any such statement, as I'm not a medical professional and cannot give medical advice. I know this may not be terribly helpful, there just isn't any research to cite/analyze. Wishing you the best. Richard ( Team)

    1. Like Richard I do not have personal experience with antineoplaston therapy. I have for the past 4 years been part of a Dept of Defense grant program that seeks to fund advances in the treatment of prostate cancer.

      While I cannot disclose specific details there is a lot of promising things in the pipe line. Some advances appear to work well for some men and do not for others. Many developments I have seen are still restricted to mouse model levels while others are progressing to higher levels of animal interaction. With time a few may be ready for human testing.

      The true sources of praise and skepticism are often unclear on the internet . If you are considering this or some other treatment - do your research remembering we are all unique individuals who will react in different ways to various treatments. All the best and thanks for reaching out Dennis( TEAM)

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