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Finding a Team and Hosptal

My husband is having his 2nd biopsy after mpMRI showed PIRADS 4. MRI showed 2 lesions on his prostate. If he decides to leave AS and seek treatment he wants his care with a team skilled in TULSA-PRO and HIFU. It may not yet come to this, but we want to start with a darn good group before we get too deep in to his care. Any recommendations for Dr's in the Northeast . He's currently at Dana Faber with Alex Cole. I'm reading good things about Dr. Ehdaie at Sloan Kettering in NY and Yale school of Medicine Drs Sprenkle and A.yyagari. thank you.

  1. Hi I am glad you reached out. I can understand that you are looking for the best care out there. While we don't have specific physicians to recommend, I am sending over this article, I hope it can help: Jill, team

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