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First biopsy coming this week

I had an MRI last week and it showed a suspect area. I'm having a biopsy done this Thursday morning. Just curious how long i will have to wait for results?

  1. Had mine last Thursday (June 15th) at Northwestern Medical and my Urologist said he would have the results "in about a week". Good luck!

    1. Waiting for results is one of the hardest parts at the beginning of the cancer journey. In our experience, we've had results as soon as the next day and as late as a week later. I'm guessing it depends a lot on the medical facility and whether they process tests in-house or have to send them elsewhere. We have access to our medical records through our patient portal and often have the results sooner than the doctor calls us to advise of results. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. We sometimes have worried needlessly over medical jargon that we interpreted incorrectly. On the other hand, when the results are good, it's great to be able to access those results right away. I hope you don't have to wait too long for your results and that the radiologist provides a good report.

      1. My husband's MRI results were available several days later on mychart. His doctor did not call and when he messaged her, she said she discusses them at the follow up visit (3 weeks after MRI).

        Try not to worry.

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