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Going on Orgovyx (relugolix) tommorow. What do I need to know?

58 years old and otherwise healthy. Prostate tumor and three spots in nearby lymph nodes. Doctor prescribed Orgovyx. I just picked it up and I'm looking at it sitting on my desk right now. Figure I'll start taking it tomorrow morning after one last night of passion with the wife.

What is this stuff going to do to me? And what do I need to know about it? Also, is there a chance this stuff will kill my 40-PSA cancer, or is it just buying me a few years before surgery and/or radiation?

Your answers are very highly appreciated.

  1. Hi I am so glad you reached out. While I do hope our community members respond here with their personal experiences, I am going to share an article and forum discussion with you that I hope is helpful. Jill, team,

    1. Thanks, Jill. Those threads were very helpful. I just started my treatment with Orgovyx this morning.

      1. I am glad they were helpful. Please keep us updated on how you are feeling. Jill, team

    2. @Cierra58 I am 66 and in salvage therapy now for a recurrence (had the robotic surgery 2.5 years ago). My salvage therapy consists of 6 months of Orgovyx ADT, and 38 radiation treatments that I just finished. I am beginning month 5 of Orgovyx now and my experience so far has been relatively free of side effects as follows: No hot flashes or night sweats, The only thing was that after several weeks I began feeling fatigued in the afternoon. I also followed Dr's. advice to combat other side effects; Started taking Vitamin D with calcium to offset bone mass loss. I also started an hour of strength training every other day to offset loss of muscle mass. I am also lucky in that I have actually lost a few pounds as opposed to the weight gain others have mentioned. Good luck on your journey and keep us posted

      1. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I've only been on treatment since last Wednesday and I still haven't noticed any changes other than my prostate doesn't hurt me as much as it did. And that's likely just coincidence. I've been growing weaker for a long time now, way before treatment. I was already taking Calcium Citrate with vitamin D. And I was already on a Ketogenic diet since February, and I plan to continue that to help control weight gain. But I need to start resistance training.

        What kind of strength training are you doing?

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