I was positively diagnosed with Gleason 3+4 in December of last year after 3 years of slowly increasing PSA (4.86 at last test). MRI Showed like cancerous lesion in November and Biopsy confirmed this in December. Surgery is scheduled for next week. I have been lurking here and elsewhere for a couple of weeks absorbing and learning from all of you. My urology group has a great education plan with pre-surgery, SIMS, and VED classes completed or scheduled. One thing that was not covered and that I have not seen here was what to expect right after surgery...? Surgeons are confident that my PC is contained, but will be taking lymph nodes, etc. to evaluate. Having Di Vinci surgery.
I'm seeing issues with leg swelling from lymph node removal, hearing from a couple of folks that the abdominal pain following surgery and distension of the abdominal cavity were significantly painful as well...
Please share what to be mindful of following surgery, do's and don'ts... unexpected experiences post surgery??? Pain Med's or other tricks used, etc.
Thank in advance.