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I'm absolutely terrified.

Had an enlarged prostate for years. PSA went from 2 to 6 in a year. The urologist sent me for a 4k. 4k was 59 (so there was a 59% chance for aggressive prostate cancer to be found on biopsy,) and my PSA had doubled in three months to 12. No nodules were found on DRE.
I decided to go to Johns Hopkins and had my initial consult yesterday. My MR is scheduled for 4/12 (the soonest they could do it), and a biopsy is planned after that. They are concerned about my PSA velocity. Yeah, me too.
I did have an abdominal/pelvic CT about three weeks ago because they suspected I had diverticulitis. I didn't, and no abnormalities were found on the CT. I think that is good news. Maybe not?
I'm terrified. I'm finding it hard even to think straight. I've been a paramedic for over 28 years, and all my brain can think about is that I have a Gleason 10 with distant spread. It's how I was trained to think, and it is always the worst case.
Is there anything good in any of this that I should focus on? Waiting for tests and results is hard.

  1. Hi I am glad you reached out. I can understand why you are concerned. Many of our members can definitely relate with how hard it is to have to wait for testing and results. I am glad you went to Johns Hopkins for your consult. Sometimes they have a wait list that you can go on in case someone cancels (to try to get in earlier for your MRI). I am sending over this forum discussion to let you know you are not alone: In this thread, you will see how some of our members tried to cope with waiting. I hope this is helpful for you. Sending you lots of strength. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Jill, team

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