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Looking for guidance

I’m a 58 year old, whose father died of metastasis prostate cancer 10 years ago. At my father’s doctors recommendation I started having my PSA checked in my 40s. It has jumped around. It was 4.5 May 22, 6.0 Jan 23, 5.7 July 23 and 6.3 Feb 24. I had an MRI June 22 which came back at Pirad 5. Was sent to another urologist who had his imaging center review it and they stated they did not see it that way. He did 12 core biopsy Sept 22, all were negative except 4 came back with chronic inflammation. This doctor blew me off and said come back in a year, but never scheduled an appointment. I went back to my referring urologist. After the Jan 23 elevated number he requested another MRI. This MRI came back as a Pirads 3 with .6 cm lesion. My doctor also did an ExsomeDx that came back as 33. Basically he said I was very low risk, so keep coming back every 6 months for PSA. I don’t know that I am pleased with his assessment. What is your opinion?

  1. Hi I am glad to hear you have been an advocate for yourself and you have been staying on this. It is frustrating when you do not get the health care you deserve. Since we are not medical professionals, I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction. If you have any concerns with what the urologist has said, I would definitely say to get another opinion. Many of our members will say they have a few doctors that they see, and it is always reassuring when your health care team is on the same page. Jill (team member)

    1. I am in total agreement with Jill about building a team that is on the same page as you and getting other opinions.

      I've had 2 different urologists, 1 radio oncologist and 3 medical oncologists.

      I have stuck with the one medical oncologist that was/felt the most trustworthy/human/open-minded and I keep my radio oncologist around because despite the fact that I really do not like his arrogance, he is nevertheless supposed to be quite good when setting up his dose/volume histograms for radiation treatments.

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