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Lupron and Abiraterone Acetate

I'm 61 diagnosed with metastatic prostrate cancer in January 2023. Started on hormonal treatment ( ADT) beginning of February 2023.
Had 20 radiation treatments for prostrate 5 intense for spine.
Only thing I got was fatigue at the end of the day.
Now onto the issues of
3month Lupron shot 4 tablets nightly of Abiraterone Acetate 250mg and 5mg Prednisone.
Side effects that were not discussed:
Severe Emotional breakdowns
Memory fog
Muscle loss
Weight gain
Shrinkage of penis length and testicles.
Told testicle should come back to normal but penis won't. Gee thanks! Some guys have told me they were told to masterbate daily or get a penis pump to keep the blood veins in check. The longer they go unused the worse it will be.
I recently have high blood pressure so Oncologist has me off Abiraterone Acetate and Prednisone, appointment in 2 weeks to see where things are.
This has been a horrible experience to go through. Now I tell everyone about my experience to warn them or at least they can question their Doctor.

  1. Hi you have been through so much! I can't even imagine how difficult this experience has been for you. I am glad you are sharing your story and telling others so they can advocate for themselves. Sending you lots of strength. Jill (Team Member)

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