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Marfan syndrome and prostate cancer

What are the effects of radiation vs removal of the prostate in Marfans syndrome patients specifically relating to connective tissue issues. Having a hard time finding any information out there. Looking for advice, shared personal experience etc. Thanks!

  1. Hi . I can't personally speak to your question, but I can tell you that I also did not find any particular research. One thing I did find is that those with Marfan syndrome are at a higher risk of urinary tract cancer. This made me wonder if radiation posed an additional risk. This may be a question worth posing to your doctor. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. Right, not a lot of info out there. Going the multiple referral route for both options. Definitely asking a multitude of questions while bringing the up the issue with every single physician (urologist, oncologist, radiologist). Have not made much headway. I was hoping that with the sites plethora of folks who have been diagnosed someone would be able to share.

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