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Mestatic Prostate Cancer - advanced and aggressive

My dad had a psa level of 2.1 last year and this year it is 154. His prostate cancer has moved to bones but thankfully no organs. There is a spot on ureter tube . He started hormone therapy (2 meds) a couple months ago and psa is down to 72 as of a month ago. Chemo was an option given but after meeting about it we decided against it because he would be giving up quality of life. We are hoping to go to md Anderson in September for a second opinion but trying to find people who have rare, aggressive and advanced prostate cancer to talk to.

  1. Hi I am glad you have found our community and are reaching out to talk to others who share a similar experience. I do hope our community members respond here to this post. In the meantime, if you user the Search button on the top left navigation bar, you will find many members who have shared their metastatic prostate cancer story and you can directly tag them and comment on their story. I hope this is helpful for you. Jill (team member)

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