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Not being able to pee

I had blood in my urine come to find out I had prostate cancer I had radiation soon after that I began to lose control over urination I pee a teaspoon at a time all day and flood the bed at night have to wear diapers doctors say it's from the radiation what can I do to make this better?

  1. : You should discuss your circumstances with a urologist vs a GP. For your personal safety, it is best not to seek medical advice online. Knowledgeable professionals can address the definite causes of restricted urine flow after treatment and offer possible solutions. (Dennis, Patient Leader)

    1. H . You definitely are not alone in struggling with post-treatment urinary issues (see here on most frustrating things about PCa: First, let me concur with Dennis about the need to speak with a urologist about potential treatments or actions you can take. I do want to share with you this article from our editorial team on urinary incontinence as a treatment side effect, with an overview of what many of the treatments are: How this information can inform future conversations with the doctor and that others chime in with their experiences. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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