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Prostate cancer in the hip bone

I’ve had Prostate Cancer for a little over 10 years. Initially I had Radiation Therapy along with ADT (androgen deprivation therapy) PSA fell from 6.9 to 2.3 and rising so I was sent from Radiation Floor to First Floor for continuing ADT PSA fell to 0.03. It then stopped reacting to the ADT and increased to the 2.0 trigger point so I was sent for Nuclear Medicine Full Body and Bone Scan. Highlights were noticed in the left frontal hip bone so the oncologist put me on ENZALUTAMIDE tablets which I have started 2 weeks ago 4x40mg tablets once a day

I’m just asking what signs and feeling’s should I expect from the therapy?

  1. Hi . I can't personally speak to Enzalutamide (Xtandi), but I want to share with you this article from our editorial team giving an overview of the treatment, including potential side effects: Also, I'm tagging a couple of our patient leaders, and , who I believe have had Xtandi as part of their treatments. Wishing you the best. Richard ( Team)

    1. I took xtandi, Lupron and radiation … after two full years, I’m cancer free. I had two surgeries to have cement placed in pelvic bone and lower back as a result from the treatment. I did take a steroid and as a result my cataracts exploded with growth and for months I could not drive. Also, I didn’t know that flomax made the cataract surgery more difficult. All that said, know your side effects. Xtandi is great . Lupron worked for me as did radiation. The combo caused brain fog, ED, hot flashes, fatigue, loss of muscle mass.
      All of which I dealt with pretty well because of my family and friends support.

    2. I am so glad you have such supportive family and friends. You make a good point about gaining as much information as you can about treatments and side effects. It is great that you are doing so well. Jill, team

  2. Ratarb, Looks like you are holding your own. I personally have not taken Xtandi, but its in line to be my next course of action if and when required. I've known several people who have taken it with pretty good results. I think the plus side is staying away from steriods and the side effects thereof.

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