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Prostate Cancer Treatments and IBD

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer last month and glad to be a part of this community. Question - does anyone have any advice/experience with treatments if you have Irritable Bowel Disease? Is one treatment recommended more than others? I have Ulcerative Colitis and scheduled to have a radical prostatectomy but now looking at other options. Any advice is welcome. Thanks in advance!

  1. Hi . I can't personally speak to prostate cancer treatment with IBD, but I did find this research article which found that "Choice of prostate cancer treatment did not predict flares in the subsequent year:" Of course, every case is different and it is important to discuss if there is any reason a particular treatment is problematic for your case. Please feel free to keep us posted on how you are doing. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. I have had Ulcerative Colitis for a long time although it has been mild and very manageable in my experience so far. I also have prostate cancer and received radiation therapy (EBRT 5 weeks / higher dose) a little over 2 years ago. I have had no issues whatsoever with it affecting my UC. I had the same concerns as you. I can't offer much more other than receive input from both doctors. I don't believe there is much data available for our situation which makes it difficult. I let my prostate cancer data drive my ultimate decision on treatment choices and crossed my fingers on how it might affect the UC.

      1. Thanks for the reply. My UC is moderate to severe. Started with Lialda pills. Then was put on Humira injections which irritated the UC and led to proctitis. Lots of bowel bleeding and wore Depends for a year. Now on Stelara injections every eight weeks and life is wonderful. Have been on a couple of different online prostate cancer support forums and the consensus is that if you have IBD and PCa, treatment options are pretty much a flip of the coin and a gut decision.

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