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Prostrate biopsy now

PSA has over doubled in 3 years, MRI shows good 4K test score was 73.4 the urologist wanted a prostrate biopsy to determine if it’s cancer or not…
Nervous waiting the results now!
65 year old white male

  1. I am new, did I post this correctly?

    1. Hi and Welcome ..... YES you posted correctly .... A prostate biopsy is used to detect the presence of or lack of cancer in the gland. Just know that a PSA test is not a test for cancer as it only measures the amount of antigen in your blood at the time of testing . Also understand that PSA levels can rise and fall for many reasons not related to cancer.

      Agree it is never easy waiting for test results .... we have all been there. By way of background I was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer in 2013 and 10 years later I am still here. If your test shows an indication of disease just know that Prostate Cancer (PCa) is slow growing and ... today there are many options for treatment. It is not like other cancers and men tend to live with this for many years. Best advice is to take a deep breadth and take it a day at a time while learning about your options. Please keep in touch here as there are a lot of us who have been though this and will offer our thoughts based on personal experiences. Again welcome to ... Dennis ( TEAM)

      1. results were not what I was praying for. One out of 12 biopsies was adenocarcinoma. First grade 4 second grade 4 Gleason score8/10…… we’re watching closely. He sent my biopsies off for another more specific determination..

      2. Hi . It is totally understandable that a diagnosis with a Gleason 8 score would be daunting, but know that plenty of guys here have been treated for that or higher and still going strong. Did you receive any information on margins? You mentioned an MRI. Was your biopsy MRI guided? If so, only one out of 12 samples showing cancer may mean that the cancer area is small, but only your doctor can provide information on that. There will be next steps on determining if there is any potential spread or if it is contained (this is where if the area is small could be a good sign). Please feel free to keep us posted and ask further questions. Best, Richard ( Team)

    2. I'm in the same boat JBuddy. 66, great shape, PSA went 4/6/7 over 2 years. Had Biopsy last week. Peed immediately....but then developed AUR (Acute Urinary Retention). Off to Emergency 10 hours later for a catheter. 3 days later, cath removed....peed great for 10 hours; BUT then again AUR slowly developed and back to Emergency for another catheter. Yikes~~~

      1. I’m sorry to hear that. I pray it gets better for you…
        I’m still waiting for my results.

      2. Hi . Acute urinary retention following a biopsy is usually the result of swelling of the prostate. Do you know how many samples were taken? The AUR is more common the higher the number of samples. Being that you have had to have a second catheter, has the doctor discussed any treatments to lesson the swelling? Hoping you get some relief soon. Best, Richard ( Team)

    3. Hi Rich, Thanks for the feedback......I knew that AUR was a possibility....I think what "surprised" us was that the AUR didn't kick-in until like 10 hours after the Biopsy. Then when they removed the Cath, 3 days later, again----10 hours later, the AUR slowly manifested itself. [This time they are keeping the catheter in for 1 full week~~~(sigh)]. I spoke with the office nurse yesterday...and she simply said; "Every body reacts differently". Not very reassuring...but there it is~~~~(I am on Tamsulosin). I'm guessing that I won't actually get in front of my urologist again until the biopsy results arrive. A bit frustrating~~~~ Also: Full disclosure: I am very active and was doing some "light" yardwork the first time they removed the catheter. So---maybe---it's my own fault that my prostate swelled up again. I really don't know.....This week I'm doing nothing but reading good books. (If you have any questions on Sam Houston or Alexander the Great, since I just finished books on them; let me know! Lol....) Thanks again~~~p

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