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PSA jump

My PSA number has been jumping around.
1.9 in August to 4.0 in December then 2.2 in January. 3.4 in February then it went from 3.4 to 6.9 in 21 days?

  1. Hello deno: I understand your concern about the rising PSA. I'm not clear about whether you are wondering whether this represents prostate cancer or whether you have already been treated for prostate cancer and these values reveal a recurrence of the cancer. If these values just represent a new finding and there is no diagnosis it would be interesting to know why you are so closely watching these values. All the next steps revolve around where you stand on this journey of diagnosis and/or treatment. Good luck and I watch for any future clarifying information you post!

    1. Thanks Jim, first, I have not been diagnosed with prostate cancer and my PSA is usually around one point something. October 2023 I had a Stem cell transplant due to my multiple myeloma diagnoses. About 3 months after transplant my PSA was 4. I asked my doc if he thought the SCTP could have caused the PSA to be elevated due to treatment and he said yes. A month later is went down to 2.2, 30 days later it went to 3.4 and now 21 days later it was 6.9. My general urologist has started me on a 2 week course of antibiotics and ani inflammatories to see if this might be some kind of infection. I was curious if PSA numbers that go up then down then within 21 days up 4 points was indicative to prostrate cancer. Thanks for your help. Deno

      1. I can understand why you would be curious. I am glad that your urologist has started you on anti-inflammatory medication. We are not medical professionals so I wouldn't want to steer you in the wrong direction, especially since you had a stem cell transplant. I think your questions are very valid and I would definitely ask your doctor, if you haven't done so already. It sounds like your doctor is being proactive. They may want to wait until your 2 week course of meds are up before suggesting the next step. Please keep us posted on how you are and what your doctor says. Jill, team

    2. I'll keep you posted

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