Thanks Jim, first, I have not been diagnosed with prostate cancer and my PSA is usually around one point something. October 2023 I had a Stem cell transplant due to my multiple myeloma diagnoses. About 3 months after transplant my PSA was 4. I asked my doc if he thought the SCTP could have caused the PSA to be elevated due to treatment and he said yes. A month later is went down to 2.2, 30 days later it went to 3.4 and now 21 days later it was 6.9. My general urologist has started me on a 2 week course of antibiotics and ani inflammatories to see if this might be some kind of infection. I was curious if PSA numbers that go up then down then within 21 days up 4 points was indicative to prostrate cancer. Thanks for your help. Deno