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Questions to ask. Kinda overwhelmed.

My mind is racing. Just started my journey. Unfortunately, seems like i am part of the club now. Thanks, John

54yr, very active, PSA 4.66 (slight movement up & down for over a year), all the typical urine problems. Finally 30 day antibiotics and everything cleared up. Now on Alfuzosin Er 10 Mg, and having no issues.

Not happy with my urologist, any suggestions. I live on the eastern shore of Delaware

However, I am scheduled for biopsy. Not sure what to think, or maybe thinking too much.

I received my MRI results w/contrast. Could you suggest some questions or guidance on what to ask during our upcoming appointment?

Not happy with my urologist, any suggestions. I live on the eastern shore of Delaware.

Here are my results. Not sure what all this means.

Procedure: HMR - MRI Pelvis w + wo
Indication: R97.20 - Elevated prostate specific antigen [PSA] PSA: 4.66 ng/mL
Findings: Axial, coronal and sagittal T2-weighted images were obtained followed by axial fat saturated T1 and T2 weighted images and dynamic contrast enhanced axial and sagittal fat saturated T1 weighted images using 16 ml Dotarem. Diffusion weighted images were also obtained. Large FOV axial T1-weighted images were obtained. Comparison: None
Size: 6.2 x 4.4 x 4.7 cm
Lesion #1:
Location: Left posterolateral peripheral zone base of the gland Size: 1 cm
Prostate margin: Abuts the capsule with no extracapsular extension Lesion overall PI-RADS category: 4
Lesion #2:
Location: Left posterolateral peripheral zone at apex Size: 5 mm
Prostate margin: no involvement
Lesion overall PI-RADS category: 4
Lesion #3, 4:
Location: Left posterior peripheral zone, mid gland Size: 4 mm, 4 mm
Prostate margin: no involvement
Lesion overall PI-RADS category:

MRI Pelvis w/ + w/o Contrast RB
Extra-prostatic extension: none Neurovascular bundles: intact Seminal vesicles: intact
Lymph nodes: none
Bone marrow: intact Other pelvic organs: intact.

I appreciate everyone here. Thank you, John

  1. Hi John, I am so glad you reached out. I am sure all of this has been very overwhelming and confusing. In regards to a recommendation for another urologist, I would definitely ask your primary care doctor for someone they would suggest. It is good that you are being proactive and looking for questions to ask at your next appointment. I hope these articles can help you:,, and Since we are not medical professionals, we can not help with the results of your MRI, but I would definitely ask your doctor and make sure you get a thorough understanding from them. I am glad to hear you have a biopsy coming up. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Jill (team member)

    1. Hi Jill, Thank you very much for the advice. I appreciate it.

      1. anytime John!! Sending you strength. Jill (team member)

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