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Why is it important to get a second opinion?

  1. You should be able to trust in your healthcare team and feel supported by them. If you feel that this isn’t the case, or are concerned about treatment options, getting a second opinion or enlisting new providers might be the best option. Do not worry about "offending" your doctor by telling them you would like a second opinion. Tell them it will help you feel more comfortable with whatever decision you end up making.

    If you do decide to get a second opinion or switch providers, it is important to bring all of your medical records, biopsy reports, surgery and discharge summaries, and any other pertinent information with you to make the transition as smooth as possible.

    In some cases, your insurance company may actually want you to get a second opinion. In these cases they often have a "case manager" who can assist you with finding a doctor to get a second opinion.

    1. When I was diagnosed with PC I felt sure that I was going to get a second opinion. I do believe that doctors expect the patient to seek additional information. Being diagnosed with PC is a significant event in a mans life and he wants to make sure he is doing everything in his power to seek out the best options available. In my case, I went for a second option to a major cancer hospital in Philadelphia. I am a believer that if you have a "center of excellence" available to you, you should take advantage of it.

      1. To make sure that what you are being told is correct and to get the best possible care for your choice of treatments. Once I decided on surgery, I took the time to find a great surgeon that had great results and talked to many people who had choses this surgeon before I decided on him. I think if more of us share info. about Urologist(s) and surgeons(s) that we had good results with it would help

        1. Thanks for weighing in, spanky327, your statement is well put. I'm glad that taking the time to find a great surgeon was beneficial for you and also agree that sharing information with others can be so helpful. -Sarah ( Team Member)

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