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Sleep and dehydration

Good evening
I am undergoing Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT), or torture as I prefer to call it. Since I began ADT, I have struggled to get a decent sleep. The usual scenario is that I sleep for 2 or 3 hours and then wake to go to the toilet. Then a hot flush arrives and keeps me awake until I am so thoroughly wide awake that I do not get back to sleep for 3 or 4 hours. Lately I have been more careful about what and when I drink: not coffee or alcohol, and nothing after 6 PM. Now what happens is that I wake very dehydrated which is also troublesome. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  1. Yup "been there" - It was torture for me as well. Here is what I discovered and what helped me . I went bed an hour earlier. I watched everything I ate and VERY VERY careful about calories and sweets. Followed the mediterranean diet to a fault . Put a ceiling fan in my bedroom, and used a white noise device to help me sleep. Booze was only a shot of Stoners vodka on rocks no wine or beer. And I drank 60 oz of water every day up to 6 PM. Also carried a personal fan that had a water chamber ( very helpful on very hot days in Summer when the breeze from a fan did nothing ) The H2O evaporation helped me feel a bit cooler - Those are my tips - Good luck - Keep in touch ... Dennis( TEAM)

    1. thanks Dennis. I have to laugh because when i stop drinking fluids at 6 pm, I wake up because I am dehydrated. I have been careful about food: very little meat but I ad it to having too many sweets. Actually she side effects from Lupron have eased off. Maybe i5 have adjusted to my new normal. Thanks again.

  2. Also look into
    -pot gummies (indica)
    Take before bed and some on wake ups.
    Even states that do not have open dispensaries, you can get a licence/pass so you can buy. Tell them you gots PCa and you should pass through ok

    1. thanks for your suggestions. What strength gummed do you recommend? And are they CBD or THC?

  3. Oh, most gummies i see are 10mg per gummy. For me, i will bite half about an hour before bed (unless i have a tough day and i gulp a whole one).
    Melatonin also an hour before. I now do 10mg, because i read it has anti cancer properties (i used to do less than 1mg).
    These are the real deal pot gummies.
    There are two main strains of pot. Indica and sativa. Indica is the one that more sedates. Sativa is for the party set.
    I am now seeing gummy formulations that are specifically marketed for sleeping aid, with names like snooze-berry, etc

    1. Hi . Relugolix does have many of the same side effects as Lupron (a function of the reduction of testosterone), but it has been found that, generally, the side effects subside quicker after cessation of the treatment. In addition, the cardiovascular risks have been found to be substantially lower. Best, Richard ( Team)

    2. I live in Canada so access to pot is not an issue - 😂

  4. I presently take one super CBD with breakfast and and another with dinner to counter the side effects of Lupron, namely hot flashes. Many women have told me that they use CBD for hot flashes

    1. And it appears to be working for you? Dennis( TEAM)

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