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symptoms after

i finished my Proton Therapy 2 months ago(gleason 4+3) w combined ADT (orgovic) psa now 0.04 ✔️
Lately 2-3 weeks ago started having burning sensation when peeing, constipation some times urgency to evacuate at the same time im peeing and ocacionally incontinence I have done some research about symptoms related with spaceor or an urinary infection (having a urine lab test today)
any similar discomfort any one?

  1. I had urinary pain during and after radiation, sometimes brutally intense to the point I'd damn near whimper when I pee'd. My oncology team gave me AZO Urinary Pain Relief, an over the counter. They were not the least bit concerned about me doubling the dose on bad days. Helped a ton. Don't be shocked when your urine turns orange.
    I keep them in my dop kit and at home for safety's sake. Don't need them now.

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