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Wait for spacer or start treatment?

My husband was recently diagnosed, early stages. He had one hormone shot and is supposed to wait one month before radiation treatment. Now with the timing, the doctor will not be available at that time to do the spacer. Would you begin treatment without it or wait another month? (I really hate the waiting but not sure how bad/common side effects without spacer are). TY!

  1. What is the diagnosis and suggested treatment? Generally the more common prostate cancer is slow to advance, but you may want to get some feedback from your doctor or confirmation from others on your question to put your mind at ease.

    The list of possible side effects that men actually experience pretty much depends on individual situations.

    I was staged to wait two months after beginning 6 month Lupron series before having treatment. Instead of the SpaceOAR I was required to keep my bladder filled to a specific level. In my individual case there was some minor bowel bleeding which was cured with laser ablation.

    Personally, I would opt for the spacer if it were available. I think your doctors will confirm the wait is worth while.

    Guy B. Meredith, moderator.

    1. Yes I recall the need for a full bladder to keep it away from the radiation target. Was always fun to try and relax ... have a full bladder ( in my case no prostate) and then run to the mens room after getting off the radiation table. After a while you learn a just how full or not so fun you really need to be. Only once during my 40 treatments did the radiation tech say to me - "can you go outside and grab a cup of coffee and come back in 5 minutes 😀 ... Dennis( TEAM)

  2. Personally I would advise waiting one month for the spacer. It can reduce chances of damage to the colon and accompanying long term side effects of the bowel to virtually ZERO. It is well worth the wait in my opinion. My radiation oncologist told me the hormone therapy would stop my cancer in its tracks until we could get the preliminary preparations done before starting radio therapy. My hormone therapy was Firmagon, which takes testosterone levels to virtually zero within 36 hours of injection, basically starving the cancer of what it needs to thrive.

    1. Thank you so much for your input! He’s decided to wait

      1. Glad to hear he decided to wait. Prostate cancer unlike many others is slow growing so typically a small delay is not an issue. To give you an idea I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer in January and did not have surgery until April. In sharp contrast I was diagnosed with Stage ll blood cancer in early August and found myself on chemo in a matter of a few days. The space oar protects the colon from radiation and agree with Boomer - wait is good

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