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Was your prostate cancer diagnosis delayed?

Sometimes a diagnosis comes later; misdiagnosis happens, tests are put off, or poor guidance is given. Whatever the cause, sometimes it feels like diagnosis should have come earlier.

Were you misdiagnosed?

Do you feel like your diagnosis was delayed?

  1. My GP had been treating me for several years for what he believed was an enlarged prostate while failing to detect a growing lump on the back (hard to examine) side of the prostate. I suspect an earlier visit to a Urologist may have led to positive discovery of my PCa years earlier. Dennis( TEAM)

    1. I started seeing a urologist in 2019 and seeing him every 6 months without missing a single appointment. My PSA kept increasing in value. His explanation was that I constantly had infections and prescribed antibiotics after antibiotics. Finally it hit me that this urologist NEVER performed a physical exam. Let’s face it as a male the last thing we are going to ask for is a prostate exam. But I felt this was warranted at this time. So, I inquired and was told that it’s NOT an affirmative test for prostate cancer. So I requested the next step, prostate biopsies. Oh by the way it was now 2023. I finally got the results and was told that 7 out of the 12 biopsies were cancerous. Finally in 2024 had to go through a radical prostatectomy. To add to the burden I’m only 59. In the back of my mind all I can think is only the urologist would have took the time and did the exam this may have been detected sooner.

      1. the digital exam if done by experienceed uro should have given a indication earlier

    2. I spent the whole time pretty sure i had PCa and the doc spent the whole time pushing me back telling me im fine.
      I was in the electronics business and diagnosed all kinda things of every shape and size my whole career. So my diagnose muscles are pretty strong (all my other muscles are like spagetti). I was pretty sure. But you can’t do nuthin without the doc being onboard.
      When it was all said n done, in review, every single thing he thought ended up wrong, exept for the biopsy reveal meeting where he told me i had PCa.
      That meeting was a dooosey! Lol
      I lost respect for his ability to diagnose. He couldn’t diagnose his way out of a paper bag.
      But he had pretty much the best reviews of any doc in this large metro area.
      I have a feeling he is a very typical uro. I think they spend their effort being the 1000 urolift guy or the 1000 RP guy and very little time becoming good at creating a strategy or tactics to save this particular mans life.
      The funny thing is, if they spent time saving men (rather than perfecting urolifts), once people started noticing that very few of this one particular docs patients died, he would become world famous.

      1. My diagnosis was delayed because my scheduled PSMA PET was delayed by the onset of the COVID pandemic.

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