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What were your first symptoms?

Prostate cancer has some tell-tale symptoms that usually alert people to go see a physician. What were the first symptoms that you experienced?

  1. The only sign I had was that one-day while in a public urinal at the office, I was at the urinal right next to my boss and noticed that though he is 20 years older than me, it took me longer than him to empty my bladder.

    Didn't think much of it after that. When months later I went for my annual check-up, my GP said that since I was 51, it was time for her to start doing the digital rectal exam on me. She must have felt something abnormal as she added the PSA test to the blood work sheet she usually gives me. So my first PSA was 78 and I was already stage 4 gleason 8 at diagnosis.

    After I've had radiation to the prostate, I began to urinate at a more normal pace. Never had other symptoms from the cancer before or since.
    Just had a prostate cancer metastasis to the right-shoulder radiated. That too I've never felt and only knew it was there because of a bone scan.

    1. My first signs were a gradual rise in my PSA levels while still being in the "normal range" according to my GP. That combined with a slower stream + getting up 2 or more times at night to pee. Dennis(ProstateCancer.TEAM)

  2. First signs, infected prostate then sudden increase in PSA.

    1. So many times guys have no signs or choose to ignore them. While it is never good to discover you have PCa there is a benefit if you catch it early on when it can be treated. Dennis( TEAM)

  3. No symptoms at all. Doctor just decided to do a random PSA test and it came back at 8.5. He had me go a week with no sex or biking and repeated the test and it was 7.5, still high, so he referred me to a urologist who did an MRI and then a biopsy.

    1. Interesting. They made me wait a month for a second psa test.

    2. what have you done since?

  4. For me, it was yes and no. I had an enlarged prostate for years. I'm talking about a couple of decades. Never knew about a PSA test. I would get fairly regular blood work but never heard of a PSA or at least was never aware. And then I got a blood test 3 years ago and I'm told my PSA is in the 20s and that it's supposed to be a whole lot less.. Now all of a sudden I have prostate cancer. Of course, it had been growing right along but I always had the yearly digital exam and never knew anything about the blood test. So I would say it was sudden without being sudden..

    1. It amazes me that so many of our GPs nationally do not appear to understand the value of PSA testing as part of an overall health check. The test is a simple blood draw and analysis. The results can suggest further investigation Dennis ( TEAM)PSA blood draw

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